Arm Yourself With the Skills Needed to WIN a Violent Encounter

Do you have the proper tools to keep yourself or your loved ones safe in the event of an attack? The Instructors at Keene will provide you with real world solutions to real world problems. Our self-defense and firearms training courses focus on the skills required to be successful during critical incidents.

Our team of highly skilled Instructors is guaranteed to deliver dynamic training courses in a professional, adult learning environment. And you'll benefit from learning from some of the most experienced self-defense and firearms trainers in East Lansing and all of Michigan.

Contact us now to learn more about our self-defense and firearm classes. Call us today at (517) 258-2420.

Workplace Violence

Our training courses will help you keep your school or workplace safe.

Workplace Violence

Firearms Training

Learn real world skills from professional instructors

Firearms Training

Law Enforcement Training

Invest in your officers' training, so they can stay safe on the job.

Law Enforcement Training

Self-Defense Training

Our program is about winning violent confrontations.

Self-Defense Training
Professional Law Enforcement Training

Professional Law Enforcement Training

(517) 258-2420

Unfortunately training programs can lose funding, and even worse come to a screeching halt! Instead of allocating resources to support in-house trainers at your agency, allow the professional staff at Keene to train your personnel. We'll provide training courses for your officers to prepare them for work in the field, with an emphasis on professionalism and officer safety.
Some of our law enforcement training courses include:

  • Use of Force training
  • Communication & De-Escalation Strategies
  • Supervisor Training
  • Handgun training
  • Patrol rifle training

    You can count on Keene to properly train your officers, so they can do their jobs without compromising their own safety or the integrity of your agency.

Be prepared for any situation

Fear should not prevent you from performing everyday activities. Our workplace violence training and self-defense training programs will help you identify and properly respond to critical incidents. After all, it's not about being paranoid, it's about being prepared. Our team of highly-skilled instructors all have real world experience in critical incidents.

We'll help you identify threats, avoid risky situations, safely operate a firearm, and provide you with the skills to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Take the first step. Call (517) 258-2420 today to schedule a self-defense class, firearm training session or workplace violence seminar.

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